So, harini, alhamdulillah, kita umat Islam semua telah masuk ke hari ke-15 Ramadhan Al-mubarakk,
macamane dengan tarawih? dah ada tinggal? Alquran pula da sampai juzuk 15? bab baca Alquran ni, ada sorang ustaz ni, beliau kata, bilamana kita membaza Alquran samaada berseorangan mahupun bertadarus, memanglah pada zahiriahnya kita ingin khatam tepat pada waktunya, tapi dari kita membaca Alquran dengan cepat, mahraj lain2, tajwid pon lari2, baik kita slow and steady, dan disinilah kita practice kan "quality is better than quantity", sesungguhnya Allah itu Maha Mengetahui.
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together we practice. |
Yet, this is a real story that happens to me, about a week ago, and af coz it is about hijabbb! I keep wondering why here and why there our people's mentality keep thinking that a woman that wear long hijab is ustazah? is it true when someone that wear long hijab fit to call Ustazah?might be yes or otherwise,
Actually the hijab that i wear is not too long or too short, moderate, what can i say i am very comfortable on what i wear ! maybe it look like ustazah as i wear it together with jubah, and surely, this is their first time see me in jubah., it is not that i'm not comfortable when they called me like that, but I feel very down to earth as i think that i'm not good enough being called ustazah, yess, for me the title ustazah is not just a title, but their responsible is big enough, the way they talk, walk, everything from a to z are being counted.I am very respect to all Ustazah!
Same like my friend's story when a doctor that check her asking about course that she take at univ. fyi, she is one of my friend that wear the long hijab.
pegawai perubatan : awak ambik kos ape di U?See! the same thinggg. why people cant look at different thought? it is not possible for a woman that wear long hijab being someone like doctor, engineer, journalist or something else? please, open our eyes, think deeply, change our old perspective and mentality. our mentality is guided by ourselves, not others!
saya : kos architecture
pegawai perubatan : la yeke? ingatkan kos syariah ke kos ustazah2. hihi
saya : -_-''
Thus, I am not angry or mad for those who said like that, merely i am a little bit disappointed, do know why, maybe i am not qualify enough to be Ustazah, there's a lot thing that I should change, from bad to good, my amalan for sure.
So,, rasanya da terlebih panjang my entry kali ni, semoga apa yang saya kongsikan tidaklah disalah ertikan kepada something yang tak enak, i'm just share my experience and a little bit my opinion.
Sesungguhnya, yang baik itu datang dari Allah, dan yang buruk itu haruslah datang dari SAYA.
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