Assalamualaikum w.b.t ,my dear readers.
Have you ready to celebrate Syawal?
Are you ready enough?
i'm asking you again...
please answer honestly,
your answer will make a change to the world.
haha,just kidding,
So, today I would like to give my opinion about Syawal,
my point of view as a teenager.
You know what, somehow people might thinking that raya or syawal
is just having and wearing new clothes, new shoes and a new stuff,
but we do not realized that Syawal is a day where we born as a new person.
so what we have to do is always thanks to Allah,
because giving us a precious opportunity to clear all the bad feel and thinking
during month of Ramadhan.
Syawal also is not 'bout attending mosque,
and doing solat sunat Hari Raya,
and just hearing a khutbah,
it is more 'bout reflection or muhasabah,
we do pray to express our gratitude to Him,
and we take the advantage on it,
on that khutbah too.
Syawal also known as the day of gathering,
are you agree with me?right!
all of our family,our mother's family,
our father's family, all of them go back to hometown,
to celebrate syawal together,
but we do not gathering without no reason,
we do 'bermaaf-maafan'
yet,who does'nt do anything wrong.
so, we take that opportunity,dont be shy to admit our offense.
I do not really know if this thing which is visit our relative's house
and neighbour's house is a tradition or something else in other country,
but yes, in Malaysia it is like a tradition;good tradition,
so there should be a dishes that prepare for us as a guest,
Dishes-ketupat-rendang-kuah kacang-masak lodeh-
just name a few.. control ourselves.
dont be too excited till we get pain,
Syawal is not the day where we have to eat freely.
And yes when we celebrate Syawal,
do not forget to do sunnah syawal which is puasa enam.
'puasa enam' is the day where we fasting 'bout six days in syawal,
either do it consecutively or otherwise,
why we have to do it?bcoz..
Imam al-Tabrani said that someone who did 'puasa enam',
he or she is like a pure baby witout a sin.
So, I hope all of us is in His barakah,
futhermore in this Ramadhan and becoming Syawal,
dont forget to takbir in this night and always du'a,
not only in this Holy Ramadhan,
but do continue untill the end,
and dont stop the good things that we do in Ramdhan,
do practice again and again.
either do it consecutively or otherwise,
why we have to do it?bcoz..
Abu Ayyub al-Ansari ada meriwayatkan satu hadith daripada Rasulallah s.a.w. di dalam menerangkan tentang kelebihan puasa enam Syawal yang maksudnya “sesiapa yang berpuasa Ramadhan, kemudian diikutinya puasa enam hari Syawal samalah seperti dia berpuasa sepanjang tahun” ( Dikeluarkan oleh Imam Muslim di dalam sahihnya, juga dikeluarkan oleh sekalian ramai ulama hadith seperti al-Tirmizi, al-Nasaie dan Ibn. Majah ). Imam al-Syafie menjelaskan bahawa hadith ini adalah hadith sahih.
Imam al-Tabrani said that someone who did 'puasa enam',
he or she is like a pure baby witout a sin.
So, I hope all of us is in His barakah,
futhermore in this Ramadhan and becoming Syawal,
dont forget to takbir in this night and always du'a,
not only in this Holy Ramadhan,
but do continue untill the end,
and dont stop the good things that we do in Ramdhan,
do practice again and again.
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time2 raya je dapat jumpa ketupat nih.kan2. |
Thanks for lend your time to read this entry, and sorry for every wrongdoing that i've done.
May we are in His Bless.InsyaAllah.
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