Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sense of attraction

Assalamualaikum semua,.

Selamat petang and a very good evening yah!

Post kali ni memang sangat mengejutkan sebab tiba2 je jari jemari ni laju menari2 untuk menulis(nampak sangat hiperbolanya nya kan.ihik),sebabnye fikiran sedang bercelaru  memikirkan tutorial aljabar or in english term Algebra.ok, stop it about algebra and continue to the title today.hehe

algebra kesayanganku.bukan zebra,hoho

see it, complicated kan., it just the same like sense of humor where someone or somebody has it.have you ever seen someone at first time then you are attract to her/him.?of course you, that means that the people has the sense of attraction. it is not just the physical appearance, yeah maybe if you look at the first time, then it is, but how about when you befriend with her/ might be the way she/he speak, the way they treat you or something else.

That is the thing that I feel. I have a friend, who just same like me, shy, taciturn and not too genius where everyone know me(the last is only reflect to me).but I am always think why other people can be easy to her/him, and me?I hope you understand lah.hehe. so that make me feels that she/he has that sense of attraction.

Or...might be I'm the one who very sensitive about the environment.dont know lah.but, it is true that Selangorian is sensitive person?thats what my lecture said. i dont know the truth.but the most thing that I know about myself is I'm just an ordinary person, nothing special on me!(nampak sangat rendah dirinya.haha just kidding).

By the way, I like to befriend with others, knowing them are make me feel more matured.yelah setiap orang ada fiil masing2 kan..and I hope others don't scared to friend with me.(ingat orang takut ke nak kawan ngan hang..hehe),don't judge me by physical outlook, try to close and knowing me, then its up to you to judge me, and the same thing reflect to others too.

Till right now, my writing, so enjoy your Sunday and for those who same like me, student, prepare for next day of class and finished up homeeeeeworkkkkkk. and last but not least, good luck for my junior who sitting for trial PMR, SMA and SPM. Chaiyokkk!aSSAlamualaikum.

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